

"could not find ParserDetails.ini"




3.16. "could not find ParserDetails.ini"

A number of people have reported encountering the error "could not find ParserDetails.ini in ..." when installing or attempting to use XML::SAX. ParserDetails.ini is used by XML::SAX::ParserFactory to determine which SAX parser modules are installed. It should be created by the XML::SAX installation script and should be updated automatically by the install script for each SAX parser module.


If you are installing XML::SAX manually you must run Makefile.PL. Unpacking the tarball and copying the files into your Perl lib directory will not work.

During the initial installation, if you are asked whether ParserDetails.ini should be updated, always say yes. If you say no, the file will not be created.

If you are using ActivePerl, the following command should resolve the problem:

ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/XML-SAX.ppd

Once you have successfully installed XML::SAX, you should consider installing a module such as XML::SAX::Expat or XML::LibXML to replace the slower pure-Perl parser bundled with SAX.

If you are packaging XML::SAX in an alternative distribution format (such as RPM), your post-install script should check if ParserDetails.ini exists and if it doesn't, run this command:

perl -MXML::SAX -e "XML::SAX->add_parser(q(XML::SAX::PurePerl))->save_parsers()"

Don't unconditionally run this command, or users who re-install XML::SAX may find that any fast SAX parser they have installed will be replaced as the default by the pure-Perl parser.



http://d.hatena.ne.jp/naoya/20050801/1122884138 を参照